Sunday, December 22, 2013

Blah, blah and blah

He was a nice older man, who looked ten years younger than his seventy-something years. Jim was his name. Yes, Jim. He introduced himself to Emma and me after talking non-stop for an hour, only ceasing because I packed up my computer and left the coffee house. Emma is more tolerant than I am. After fifteen minutes I was ready for him to be quiet and let us write. But he didn't stop, and blah blah and blahed some more. About his great life, about partying with the Grateful Dead, about Janis Joplin and her psychedelic sports car that someone stole. About how he didn't like alcohol, but really liked pot. The hippie talk annoyed me, but when he started in telling my daughter about how much he enjoyed smoking pot, I bristled inside. The man has no judgement, no filter about who he is talking to. Yes, my daughter at nineteen is an adult, but I really don't need some stranger telling my kid the wonders of pot. So, an hour for writing lost. Emma did remark what a good character he was, and to a certain extent she's right. He said something about his brain being so strong it could make a noise, and then he did something with his hearing aid that made it squeak.

1 comment:

  1. That guy Jim sounds like a very lonely guy! That's also why I prefer writing at home in privacy. Or on the train. No distractions. He was out of line to talk that way... it's like he was trying to prove something. Very sad actually.


Just thinking how nothing ever remains the same. The only constant thing about living is that everything changes. If what is here now might be gone tomorrow, then desire to keep everything exactly the same is futile. It just isn't going to work. You can't just assume it's always going to be there. People grow, animals die, the day turns to night, all is in flux. Even letters carved in stone will eventually fade by time, wind and water. If I can't keep it, why am I so attached? And if I want to stay attached, that means I have to adapt, to work on my relationships, to keep my body and mind healthy. I can't assume they will just be while I sit on my ass.