Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Other Brain

Writing a short story with another person gives one an opportunity to understand how another person thinks. It's amazing. It's like having a second head on your body, a whole new well of information and ideas you can draw from and bounce ideas off of. Writing collaboratively has allowed me not only to learn from critiquing someone else's work, it has also enchanced my own analytical abilities when I am asked to defend my position. Through debate and discussion, I have come out on the other side a wiser and much more humble writer. I love it, love it, love it! What an opportunity to grow and learn.

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Just thinking how nothing ever remains the same. The only constant thing about living is that everything changes. If what is here now might be gone tomorrow, then desire to keep everything exactly the same is futile. It just isn't going to work. You can't just assume it's always going to be there. People grow, animals die, the day turns to night, all is in flux. Even letters carved in stone will eventually fade by time, wind and water. If I can't keep it, why am I so attached? And if I want to stay attached, that means I have to adapt, to work on my relationships, to keep my body and mind healthy. I can't assume they will just be while I sit on my ass.