Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Private Me

Only my mind-twin, Carolyn and I subscribe to this blog, which makes me think I can write most anything in the world, and no one will know. Except Carolyn. Who is like me in many ways.

I find myself dreaming of going back to school when I retire in 10 years and going for a Master's Degree in Creative Writing. Then I wonder if that is what I really want to do, or is it something that I think I want to do, but when it comes down to it, I won't really want to do it.

And then I wonder why I want to keep learning about writing, when I could be DOING IT! Writing right now! Like this!

Is learning another form of procrastination for me? Perhaps it is.

I only did this blog because my sister told me to. It seems like a lot of work for nothing. Everyone and his/her mother has a blog these days. For me though, now it is a place for private thoughts, because who is her right mind will follow me?


1 comment:

  1. I agree. Just write! Although I guess you'd be doing a lot of writing to get the MFA as well?


Just thinking how nothing ever remains the same. The only constant thing about living is that everything changes. If what is here now might be gone tomorrow, then desire to keep everything exactly the same is futile. It just isn't going to work. You can't just assume it's always going to be there. People grow, animals die, the day turns to night, all is in flux. Even letters carved in stone will eventually fade by time, wind and water. If I can't keep it, why am I so attached? And if I want to stay attached, that means I have to adapt, to work on my relationships, to keep my body and mind healthy. I can't assume they will just be while I sit on my ass.